ℹ️ Alien versus Predator 2

The complete Alien versus Predator 2 guide.

Note: ℹ️ This guide is for Alien versus Predator 2 only, not the Primal Hunt edition.


This guide will teach you how to set up and install Alien versus Predator 2. (AVP2) Additionally common troubleshooting steps, settings, controls and some pro-tips!


In order to install and play Alien versus Predator 2 you must download the following:

  • The base version of the game can be downloaded by following the link and clicking (627MB) EXE EDITION - Here
  • The master server patch in order to play multiplayer can be downloaded by following the link and clicking ALIENS VS PREDATOR 2 - MASTER SERVER PATCH 2.4 - Here

Installing the game:

i. Once you have downloaded the above prerequisites you should have two zip archives. avp2_avp2ph_aio.exe.zip (the full game) and avp2smsinstall_2.4.zip (the multiplayer patch)

ii. Extract avp2_avp2ph_aio.exe.zip

iii. Open the avp2 directory you have just extracted

iv. Run the installation .exe located in the Aliens vs. Predator 2 - Full Game folder (take note of the installation path)

  • ℹ️ Reminder: Ignore the Primal Hunt edition

v. Extract and run the v1.0.9.6 english patch - Called avp2_en_096.zip under the Aliens vs. Predator 2 - Updates folder

vi. Open the Aliens vs. Predator 2 - SP & MP Map Updates folder and install the multiplayer maps update (single player is optional)

vii. Open the Aliens vs. Predator 2 - No CD Crack folder and copy the no cd .exe out of the avp2nocd.zip archive and place it in your game directory, replace the original file

Patching the game for multiplayer:

i. Open the avp2smsinstall_2.4.zip archive and extract its contents - Reminder, this is the multiplayer patch you will need to install as mentioned earlier.

ii. Run the server master patch executable - AvP2SMSInstall.exe

iii. You are ready to play the game

First time setup:

When launching the game for the first time you may want to set your resolution to something more adapted to a modern screen resolution.

Once in the game you will want to further tweak the graphics settings and adjust your game resolution to match your native resolution in the options menu. Note that the menus and HUD do not scale on higher resolutions, you may find playing on anything larger that 1920x1080 will make everything too difficult to read.

In options menu, go to network and set your network speed to T3, this will ensure you receive maximum packets from the game server in a given period of time. It’s generally recommended to leave at T3 however you can tweak this on servers with high ping/latency.

Joining a multiplayer match:

Now that everything is set up you can launch the game and go to the Multiplayer Internet, then Find games.

Wait for the list to refresh and then look for our server called Xevnet.AVP - https://xevnet.au or look for others if you desire.

Before joining a server you can click the Player tab you can set your in-game name and change your character / class. Pay attention to the class weapons / abilities that each character has. You can change your character / class in game with F1 if you change your mind later.


There is a known issue on some GPUs where the Z-Buffer wigs out and everything is see-through. Disable Triple Buffering from graphics settings menu in the game and restart the game to fix this.

You can quickly check if your game is experiencing this issue by looking at the character portraits in the single player screen, if they are rendering weird and the background is popping in front of them, you’ve got this issue.

Common troubleshooting steps including widescreen patches can be found here: http://www.avpunknown.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?num=1538797059/0#0

Common controls:

You can review the controls for each species in the options menu however here are some common ones below.


  • F1 to enter class / team selection screen
  • Enter for chat
  • \ for team chat
  • Left mouse primary fire
  • Right mouse secondary fire
  • Shift to crouch
  • Space to jump
  • WASD movement by default
  • Can do a high jump if you jump while crouched (except humans… unless they are in an exo-suit)


  • Scroll wheel and numerical keys switch weapons
  • G is for flashlight
  • Alt. fire depends on what gun you’re using
    • Pistol - switch to AP rounds
    • Shotgun - switch to shotgun slugs (AP no bullet spread)
    • Pulse Rifle - Lob grenade
    • Grenade launcher - cycles various grenade types
    • Smartgun - toggles motion tracking
    • Rocket launcher - switches to motion homing rockets
    • Minigun - prespins barrel
    • Sniper - Zooms in until release, press again to lower scope


  • Left mouse is primary attack with claws
  • Right mouse is low damage tail attack that stuns
  • E is pounce attack
  • Holding crouch will put you into wall walking mode - you can climb anywhere except areas that would lead you off the map


  • Q / E to switch weapons
  • F to retrieve disc
  • Mouse wheel zooms in and out
  • C is cloak
  • V / B is to cycle vision modes (blue to hunt humans / red to hunt aliens / white to hunt predators in FFA games, used for homing weapons)
  • T is to recharge your energy that cloaking and plasma weapons use (slows you down and is noisy, use in a safe place)
  • G is to heal yourself - uses majority of your energy, is loud and slows you down
  • Alt. fire depends on your weapon
    • Claws - hold to charge a powerful strike
    • Spear - does a powerful vertical swipe
    • plasma pistol - lobs stun plasma in an arc
    • spear gun - fires 3 shots instead of 1 with horrible spread
    • plasma caster - hold to charge up for a more powerful shot
    • Remote bomb - detonates bombs - be aware that all bombs will detonate after the last bomb is thrown



Humans have two teams, Marines and Corporate mercenaries - they hate each other

Humans can pick up armour scattered around the map

Humans have ammo boxes scattered around the map

EMP grenades stun enemies and de-cloak predators

Predators that are set on fire with the flamethrower are easier to see

Humans may find exo-suits on the map if enabled by the server they have two weapon modes (scroll wheel to change)

  • Flamethrower and laser gun on one arm
  • Dual mini-gun and rocket launcher on the other arm

Use your knife to cut out of a predator net

Your radar only detects motion


The Alien Praetorian class is a bit of a “tank” but cannot pounce or wall walk, weak to AP rounds

The same for an Alien Queen

Aliens pounce ability makes them highly mobile, able to traverse the map quickly or escape bad situations

Avoid running head on into gun/plasma fire, use wall walking, pouncing and jumping to create disorienting movement patterns

Alien pounce and tail attack stuns enemies

Aliens heal by mutilating corpses

Aliens can “head-bite” using primary fire while looking at an enemies head - rewards extra health but is a slower attack

Aliens can morph into a Queen after achieving a kill-streak set by the server

Queens are the only alien that can do big damage with their tail

Aliens hate fire

Claws break predator nets


Predators have ammo boxes scattered around the map

Cloaked predators are partially visible while moving

Water de-cloaks predators

Plasma weapons and disc de-cloak predator when fired

Cloak drains energy over time

Homing weapons (Disc and plasma caster) emit visible laser from predator helmet

switching vision modes makes cloaked predators eyes visible for a moment

If you miss with your disc, press f and the disc will home back towards you, you may be able to get your target in the back

You can also create traps with your disc by embedding it into a wall and pressing f to retrieve it when an enemy runs by (retrieving a disc does not de-cloak)

If line of sight between the disc and a predator is broken, the disc will teleport back to the predator at an increased energy cost

The spear gun is a projectile based sniping weapon, good for headshots if you can line up your targets well

Cloaking is useless against aliens

Key callouts when playing AVP2 Community Servers:

It is considered bad mannered to use plasma weapons for cheap kills

It’s also bad mannered to pounce spam for cheap kills

Don’t use auto-targeting weapons as a human

Abusing the above will probably get you kicked


If you have clicked Multiplayer Internet and cannot see our server, please report it to us via our Support chat in Discord.

Last modified December 27, 2023: Corrects typo (ac1e629)